PITTSBURGH: An Explorer's Guide

W E S T   E N D

Victorian ornamentation , Main Street

A pair of old houses (perhaps 1870s)

A hillside street

An Italianate carriage house

World War I memorial, West End Park

Carnegie Library branch

Some information on the cameras used for these photographs:
Victorian ornamentation, pair of old houses: Olympus OM-1, 50-mm Zuiko lens, Kodak CN400 film..
Hillside street, Italianate carriage house: Argus C3 with 35-mm Argus Sandmar lens, Efke ISO 25 film.
War memorial: Kodak Pony 135 model C, Ektachrome 64 film.
Carnegie Library: Yashica-A, Fuji Superia film.

Copyright 1999, 2000 by Christopher Bailey.