PITTSBURGH: An Explorer's Guide


M U S I C A L   O R G A N I Z A T I O N S

O N   T H E   W E B


Allegheny Brass Band

Bach Choir of Pittsburgh

Chatham Baroque
A small Baroque band building a big international reputation. Look for their CDs on the Dorian label.

The Classical Free Reed, Inc.
"A nonprofit educational and cultural organization dedicated to the advancement of the free-reed instruments in classical music"--accordion and bayan, concertina and bandoneon, harmonium and reed organ, harmonica, sheng, khaen, kobing, and so on.

Edgewood Symphony Orchestra

Music in a Great Space
Concert series at Shadyside Presbyterian Churhch

Pittsburgh Ballet and Opera Orchestra
A list of the orchestra members.

Pittsburgh Opera

Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre

The Pittsburgh Camerata

Pittsburgh Savoyards
Two Gilbert-and-Sullivan operas every season.

Pittsurgh Symphony Orchestra
The world-renowned PSO is now under the direction of Mariss Janssons, who is especially known for his interpretations of Tchaikovsky and Sibelius.

Renaissance & Baroque Society
An organization that brings the best of medieval, Renaissance, and baroque music to Synod Hall in Oakland.

River City Brass Band
"The leading concert band in the United States today." Look for their many CDs at record stores everywhere.

Tuesday Musical Club
Free concerts at the Frick Art Museum.

Urban Sky Consort
Early music by female composers.

Y Music Society
Bringing the world's best recital artists to Carnegie Music Hall in Oakland.

Copyright 1999 by Christopher Bailey