PITTSBURGH: An Explorer's Guide

T H E   H I L L

St. Benedict the Moor
St. Benedict the Moor stands on the tower of the church that bears his name, welcoming you to the Hill with open arms. The Roman Catholic church of St. Benedict the Moor has a reputation for having some of the best gospel music in Pittsburgh.

Crawford Grill

Of all the literally hundreds of jazz clubs that used to dot the Hill, only the old Crawford Grill remains, pparently indestructible. While urban-renewal schemes swirl around it, the Crawford Grill abides and manages to keep up the Hill's proud tradition of great jazz by great musicians.

Epiphany Church

The Lower Hill was completely destroyed for "slum clearance" in the worst days of urban renewal. Only Epiphany Church remains of the old buildings. For a brief time while St. Paul's was being built in Oakland, Epiphany was the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Pittsburgh.

Crawford Dwellings

The latest round of urban-renewal schemes showed more sensitivity to the neighborhood. Instead of big warehouse-like apartment blocks, the planners behind the Crawford Dwellings created a pleasant neighborhood of mixed housing for all income levels. The scheme has worked; the new neighborhood is full of people of all types who sit on their porches and wave to passing pedestrians.

Some information on the cameras used for these photographs:
Epiphany: LOMO Lubitel 166U, Fuji Superia ISO 100 film.
Others: LOMO Smena 8M, Kodak T-MAX 100 film.

Copyright 2000 by Christopher Bailey.